Artifact: The Dota Card Game Wiki
Artifact: The Dota Card Game Wiki


File Name Transcription
File:01 Chen 10017 response intro.mp3 intro The Rumusque Faithful have grown in number and in reputation and Lady Anshu is revered as a prophet and the second coming of Crella herself. Such a woman will be a powerful convert to the Knights of the Fold. And once I have shown her the true light of god...she will bring her followers to me.
File:01 Chen 10017 response hand of god.mp3 hand_of_god The Knights of the Fold gave me a fresh start and a new life. It will do the same for you was well.
File:01 Chen 10017 response use ability 01.mp3 use_ability_01 Heed my call.
File:01 Chen 10017 response use ability 02.mp3 use_ability_02 You have a higher purpose...
File:01 Chen 10017 response use ability 03.mp3 use_ability_03 Join me.
File:01 Chen 10017 response use ability 04.mp3 use_ability_04 We don’t need to be enemies...
File:01 Chen 10017 response use ability 05.mp3 use_ability_05 Come my child.
File:01 Chen 10017 response equip generic weapon 01.mp3 equip_generic_weapon_01 This will do nicely
File:01 Chen 10017 response equip generic weapon 02.mp3 equip_generic_weapon_02 Just what I was looking for.
File:01 Chen 10017 response equip generic weapon 03.mp3 equip_generic_weapon_03 I will smite our enemies...
File:01 Chen 10017 response equip generic weapon 04.mp3 equip_generic_weapon_04 I can work with this...
File:01 Chen 10017 response equip generic weapon 05.mp3 equip_generic_weapon_05 Those who won't join us will die.
File:01 Chen 10017 response equip generic armor 01.mp3 equip_generic_armor_01 Thank you for supporting the cause.
File:01 Chen 10017 response equip generic armor 02.mp3 equip_generic_armor_02 I'm a leader of men...I need to survive.
File:01 Chen 10017 response equip generic armor 03.mp3 equip_generic_armor_03 I'm not destined to die.
File:01 Chen 10017 response equip generic armor 04.mp3 equip_generic_armor_04 This is just what I needed.
File:01 Chen 10017 response equip generic armor 05.mp3 equip_generic_armor_05 Good.
File:01 Chen 10017 response equip generic accessory 01.mp3 equip_generic_accessory_01 This works.
File:01 Chen 10017 response equip generic accessory 02.mp3 equip_generic_accessory_02 I'll use this wisely.
File:01 Chen 10017 response equip generic accessory 03.mp3 equip_generic_accessory_03 This will come in handy.
File:01 Chen 10017 response equip generic accessory 04.mp3 equip_generic_accessory_04 I needed this.
File:01 Chen 10017 response equip generic accessory 05.mp3 equip_generic_accessory_05 Perfect.
File:01 Chen 10017 response kill rival 01.mp3 kill_rival_01 You were beyond saving!
File:01 Chen 10017 response kill rival 02.mp3 kill_rival_02 We cannot lose!
File:01 Chen 10017 response kill rival 03.mp3 kill_rival_03 My cause is righteous...
File:01 Chen 10017 response kill rival 04.mp3 kill_rival_04 You should have repented...
File:01 Chen 10017 response kill rival 05.mp3 kill_rival_05 If you're not with us you're against us!
File:01 Chen 10017 response kill rival 06.mp3 kill_rival_06 Death to the heretics!
File:01 Chen 10017 response kill rival 07.mp3 kill_rival_07 The wicked shall be punished!
File:01 Chen 10017 response kill rival 08.mp3 kill_rival_08 Our enemies will be smited...
File:01 Chen 10017 response kill rival 09.mp3 kill_rival_09 Repent!
File:01 Chen 10017 response kill rival 10.mp3 kill_rival_10 I'll cleanse this place of your influence...
File:01 Chen 10017 response use include 01.mp3 use_include_01 Hand of God!
File:01 Chen 10017 response use include 02.mp3 use_include_02 My mercy endures!
File:01 Chen 10017 response use include 03.mp3 use_include_03 Be bathed in the light, and find salvation!
File:01 Chen 10017 response unique 01.mp3 unique_01 My influence will grow...
File:01 Chen 10017 response unique 02.mp3 unique_02 Time to bolster the flock.
File:01 Chen 10017 response unique 03.mp3 unique_03 I must find a worthy convert...
File:01 Chen 10017 response unique 04.mp3 unique_04 Only the strongest will be spared.
File:01 Chen 10017 response unique 05.mp3 unique_05 My will cannot be denied...
File:01 Chen 10017 response unique 06.mp3 unique_06 You answer to me now, not the Quorum...
File:01 Chen 10017 response unique 07.mp3 unique_07 You will deliver the Quorum a message for me...
File:01 Chen 10017 response unique 08.mp3 unique_08 I will give you savages purpose...
File:01 Chen 10017 response unique 09.mp3 unique_09 The Red Mist belongs to me now...
File:01 Chen 10017 response unique 10.mp3 unique_10 Any beast can be domesticated
File:01 Chen 10017 response unique 11.mp3 unique_11 You will serve me will...
File:01 Chen 10017 response unique 12.mp3 unique_12 Your pack has a new Alpha.
File:01 Chen 10017 response unique 13.mp3 unique_13 Your pack now serves the greater good.
File:01 Chen 10017 response unique 14.mp3 unique_14 Sometimes even gods need to be shown the righteous path...
File:01 Chen 10017 response unique 15.mp3 unique_15 Selemene, even your power is dwarfed by that of my God.
File:01 Chen 10017 response unique 16.mp3 unique_16 Oh Beastmaster, even your pets recognize a new master...
File:01 Chen 10017 response unique 17.mp3 unique_17 It's time you serve a worthy master...
File:01 Chen 10017 response unique 18.mp3 unique_18 Galanius will lead you to ruin... I will lead you to salvation.
File:01 Chen 10017 response unique 19.mp3 unique_19 The time of the Bronze Legion setting
File:01 Chen 10017 response unique 20.mp3 unique_20 Share your secrets with me, druid...
File:01 Chen 10017 response healed 01.mp3 healed_01 Ahhh
File:01 Chen 10017 response healed 02.mp3 healed_02 I'm ready to fight...
File:01 Chen 10017 response healed 03.mp3 healed_03 My work must continue...
File:01 Chen 10017 response healed 04.mp3 healed_04 I won't give up...
File:01 Chen 10017 response healed 05.mp3 healed_05 I won't leave this battlefield.
File:01 Chen 10017 response taunt generic 01.mp3 taunt_generic_01 This day is ours!
File:01 Chen 10017 response taunt generic 02.mp3 taunt_generic_02 Convert or die!
File:01 Chen 10017 response taunt generic 03.mp3 taunt_generic_03 Destroy the Ancient!
File:01 Chen 10017 response taunt generic 04.mp3 taunt_generic_04 The battle is almost one!
File:01 Chen 10017 response taunt generic 05.mp3 taunt_generic_05 We march on our enemies!
File:01 Chen 10017 response taunt generic 06.mp3 taunt_generic_06 Now is the time to strike!
File:01 Chen 10017 response taunt generic 07.mp3 taunt_generic_07 We've almost won!
File:01 Chen 10017 response taunt generic 08.mp3 taunt_generic_08 We can end this now!
File:01 Chen 10017 response taunt generic 09.mp3 taunt_generic_09 Victory or death!
File:01 Chen 10017 response taunt generic 10.mp3 taunt_generic_10 I will bring us glory!
File:01 Chen 10017 response potential kill 01.mp3 potential_kill_01 You will not survive!
File:01 Chen 10017 response potential kill 02.mp3 potential_kill_02 Meet your death with honor.
File:01 Chen 10017 response potential kill 03.mp3 potential_kill_03 Face your death with courage
File:01 Chen 10017 response potential kill 04.mp3 potential_kill_04 It's ok to admit defeat.
File:01 Chen 10017 response potential kill 05.mp3 potential_kill_05 I'll make your death swift.
File:01 Chen 10017 response potential save 01.mp3 potential_save_01 Lord, deliver me!
File:01 Chen 10017 response potential save 02.mp3 potential_save_02 My god will protect me.
File:01 Chen 10017 response potential save 03.mp3 potential_save_03 It is not my time to die...
File:01 Chen 10017 response potential save 04.mp3 potential_save_04 Faith will shield me!
File:01 Chen 10017 response potential save 05.mp3 potential_save_05 I was ready for your tricks...
File:01 Chen 10017 response permanent armor 01.mp3 permanent_armor_01 The armor only faith could provide.
File:01 Chen 10017 response permanent armor 02.mp3 permanent_armor_02 God will not allow me to die.
File:01 Chen 10017 response permanent armor 03.mp3 permanent_armor_03 I fear no slings or arrows.
File:01 Chen 10017 response permanent armor 04.mp3 permanent_armor_04 The Knights of the Fold are always ready for the front lines..
File:01 Chen 10017 response permanent armor 05.mp3 permanent_armor_05 Ready for battle.
File:01 Chen 10017 response permanent attack 01.mp3 permanent_attack_01 My faith strengthens me...
File:01 Chen 10017 response permanent attack 02.mp3 permanent_attack_02 Getting stronger every day.
File:01 Chen 10017 response permanent attack 03.mp3 permanent_attack_03 It is through discipline that we become strong.
File:01 Chen 10017 response permanent attack 04.mp3 permanent_attack_04 My blade is strong, my faith stronger.
File:01 Chen 10017 response permanent attack 05.mp3 permanent_attack_05 A leader of men, must be strong.
File:01 Chen 10017 response permanent health 01.mp3 permanent_health_01 If I am to die, I won't make it easy for them.
File:01 Chen 10017 response permanent health 02.mp3 permanent_health_02 I will fight till my dying breath.
File:01 Chen 10017 response permanent health 03.mp3 permanent_health_03 I don't fear death....but death will not find me
File:01 Chen 10017 response permanent health 04.mp3 permanent_health_04 I will endure this war.
File:01 Chen 10017 response permanent health 05.mp3 permanent_health_05 I will outlive my enemies.
File:01 Chen 10017 response cast spell 01.mp3 cast_spell_01 Behold!
File:01 Chen 10017 response cast spell 02.mp3 cast_spell_02 Gaze on my power!
File:01 Chen 10017 response cast spell 03.mp3 cast_spell_03 The knights of the fold are capable of anything!
File:01 Chen 10017 response cast spell 04.mp3 cast_spell_04 Fear nothing, not even death!
File:01 Chen 10017 response cast spell 05.mp3 cast_spell_05 We are sustained by faith.
File:01 Chen 10017 response cast spell 06.mp3 cast_spell_06 My wrath is divine.
File:01 Chen 10017 response cast spell 07.mp3 cast_spell_07 I fear nothing except my god.
File:01 Chen 10017 response cast spell 08.mp3 cast_spell_08 You won't last long!
File:01 Chen 10017 response cast spell 09.mp3 cast_spell_09 Face me if you can.
File:01 Chen 10017 response cast spell 10.mp3 cast_spell_10 You have no idea what I'm capable of.
File:01 Chen 10017 response buff ally 01.mp3 buff_ally_01 Serve loyally and you will be rewarded.
File:01 Chen 10017 response buff ally 02.mp3 buff_ally_02 Your faith in me will be rewarded.
File:01 Chen 10017 response buff ally 03.mp3 buff_ally_03 Trust in the Knights of the Fold.
File:01 Chen 10017 response buff ally 04.mp3 buff_ally_04 With me at your side, you will not know defeat.
File:01 Chen 10017 response buff ally 05.mp3 buff_ally_05 I will lead you to greatness.
File:01 Chen 10017 response buff ally 06.mp3 buff_ally_06 Follow me, and your power will only grow.
File:01 Chen 10017 response buff ally 07.mp3 buff_ally_07 We walk the same path, and for that you will be rewarded.
File:01 Chen 10017 response buff ally 08.mp3 buff_ally_08 Take this blessing.
File:01 Chen 10017 response buff ally 09.mp3 buff_ally_09 I give with an open hand.
File:01 Chen 10017 response buff ally 10.mp3 buff_ally_10 I bless you.
File:01 Chen 10017 response debuff enemy 01.mp3 debuff_enemy_01 You are weak.
File:01 Chen 10017 response debuff enemy 02.mp3 debuff_enemy_02 You grow weaker still.
File:01 Chen 10017 response debuff enemy 03.mp3 debuff_enemy_03 What chance do you have against a Knight of the Fold.
File:01 Chen 10017 response debuff enemy 04.mp3 debuff_enemy_04 Your body is as decrepit as your spirit.
File:01 Chen 10017 response debuff enemy 05.mp3 debuff_enemy_05 Death will come for you, it's only a matter of time.
File:01 Chen 10017 response debuff enemy 06.mp3 debuff_enemy_06 Your time runs short.
File:01 Chen 10017 response debuff enemy 07.mp3 debuff_enemy_07 Refusing to yield was a mistake.
File:01 Chen 10017 response debuff enemy 08.mp3 debuff_enemy_08 I will break you... one way or another.
File:01 Chen 10017 response debuff enemy 09.mp3 debuff_enemy_09 You didn't think you could win did you?
File:01 Chen 10017 response debuff enemy 10.mp3 debuff_enemy_10 You're not worthy to die by my hand.
File:01 Chen 10017 response single target damage 01.mp3 single_target_damage_01 I will smite the wicked.
File:01 Chen 10017 response single target damage 02.mp3 single_target_damage_02 Your blood will anoint the field.
File:01 Chen 10017 response single target damage 03.mp3 single_target_damage_03 Your heresy will be punished.
File:01 Chen 10017 response single target damage 04.mp3 single_target_damage_04 KNEEL!
File:01 Chen 10017 response single target damage 05.mp3 single_target_damage_05 BOW TO ME!
File:01 Chen 10017 response single target damage 06.mp3 single_target_damage_06 Pain yields understanding.
File:01 Chen 10017 response single target damage 07.mp3 single_target_damage_07 Now do you realize what you're up against?
File:01 Chen 10017 response single target damage 08.mp3 single_target_damage_08 You're out of your depth...
File:01 Chen 10017 response single target damage 09.mp3 single_target_damage_09 Your death will be an example to others.
File:01 Chen 10017 response single target damage 10.mp3 single_target_damage_10 I'll make an example out of you...
File:01 Chen 10017 response multi damage small 01.mp3 multi_damage_small_01 Kill them all!
File:01 Chen 10017 response multi damage small 02.mp3 multi_damage_small_02 Leave no one standing.
File:01 Chen 10017 response multi damage small 03.mp3 multi_damage_small_03 You will be dead to the last man...
File:01 Chen 10017 response multi damage small 04.mp3 multi_damage_small_04 You are unto gnats...
File:01 Chen 10017 response multi damage small 05.mp3 multi_damage_small_05 Your numbers don’t scare me.
File:01 Chen 10017 response multi damage small 06.mp3 multi_damage_small_06 You're petty thugs, nothing more.
File:01 Chen 10017 response multi damage small 07.mp3 multi_damage_small_07 What hope do you lot have against a Knight of the Fold.
File:01 Chen 10017 response multi damage small 08.mp3 multi_damage_small_08 You will feel my god's fury.
File:01 Chen 10017 response multi damage small 09.mp3 multi_damage_small_09 I'll leave you all broken.
File:01 Chen 10017 response multi damage small 10.mp3 multi_damage_small_10 This is the end for you...
File:01 Chen 10017 response multi damage large 01.mp3 multi_damage_large_01 All who oppose us will die!
File:01 Chen 10017 response multi damage large 02.mp3 multi_damage_large_02 I'll deal with the lot of you...
File:01 Chen 10017 response multi damage large 03.mp3 multi_damage_large_03 Numbers don't matter, my faith will prevail.
File:01 Chen 10017 response multi damage large 04.mp3 multi_damage_large_04 Gaze on the power of my God
File:01 Chen 10017 response multi damage large 05.mp3 multi_damage_large_05 The Knights of the Fold know no equal!
File:01 Chen 10017 response multi damage large 06.mp3 multi_damage_large_06 You will join or you will die!
File:01 Chen 10017 response multi damage large 07.mp3 multi_damage_large_07 My mercy is vast, as is my wrath.
File:01 Chen 10017 response multi damage large 08.mp3 multi_damage_large_08 YOU ALL WILL DIE!
File:01 Chen 10017 response multi damage large 09.mp3 multi_damage_large_09 You have all been found...wanting.
File:01 Chen 10017 response multi damage large 10.mp3 multi_damage_large_10 It's all over for you...
File:01 Chen 10017 response pleased 01.mp3 pleased_01 Excellent.
File:01 Chen 10017 response pleased 02.mp3 pleased_02 As it should be.
File:01 Chen 10017 response pleased 03.mp3 pleased_03 I am pleased...
File:01 Chen 10017 response pleased 04.mp3 pleased_04 Exquisite.
File:01 Chen 10017 response pleased 05.mp3 pleased_05 It's all according to plan...
File:01 Chen 10017 response pleased 06.mp3 pleased_06 This couldn't go any better...
File:01 Chen 10017 response pleased 07.mp3 pleased_07 The timing is perfection...
File:01 Chen 10017 response pleased 08.mp3 pleased_08 Hahahahaha
File:01 Chen 10017 response pleased 09.mp3 pleased_09 Hmmm.
File:01 Chen 10017 response pleased 10.mp3 pleased_10 Intriguing.
File:01 Chen 10017 response concerned 01.mp3 concerned_01 Hmmmm.
File:01 Chen 10017 response concerned 02.mp3 concerned_02 Oh dear.
File:01 Chen 10017 response concerned 03.mp3 concerned_03 This is a delicate situation...
File:01 Chen 10017 response concerned 04.mp3 concerned_04 We have to stop this...
File:01 Chen 10017 response concerned 05.mp3 concerned_05 This cannot continue.
File:01 Chen 10017 response concerned 06.mp3 concerned_06 I have concerns...
File:01 Chen 10017 response concerned 07.mp3 concerned_07 Troubling.
File:01 Chen 10017 response concerned 08.mp3 concerned_08 Lord, give me wisdom...
File:01 Chen 10017 response concerned 09.mp3 concerned_09 This is just another tribulation I must weather...
File:01 Chen 10017 response concerned 10.mp3 concerned_10 My faith is being tested...
File:01 Chen 10017 response angry 01.mp3 angry_01 This can't be!
File:01 Chen 10017 response angry 02.mp3 angry_02 I won't allow it!
File:01 Chen 10017 response angry 03.mp3 angry_03 How dare you!
File:01 Chen 10017 response angry 04.mp3 angry_04 You dare resist my will!
File:01 Chen 10017 response angry 05.mp3 angry_05 I will not be denied!
File:01 Chen 10017 response angry 06.mp3 angry_06 You will suffer...
File:01 Chen 10017 response angry 07.mp3 angry_07 You mock me?!
File:01 Chen 10017 response angry 08.mp3 angry_08 I will not be made a fool of!
File:01 Chen 10017 response angry 09.mp3 angry_09 You have much to answer for!
File:01 Chen 10017 response angry 10.mp3 angry_10 This is where you die!
File:01 Chen 10017 response arrogant 01.mp3 arrogant_01 The Knights of the Fold are unmatched.
File:01 Chen 10017 response arrogant 02.mp3 arrogant_02 Once I was like you... pathetic.
File:01 Chen 10017 response arrogant 03.mp3 arrogant_03 I will show them what a real leader looks like.
File:01 Chen 10017 response arrogant 04.mp3 arrogant_04 I am more than a soldier, I am a tactician.
File:01 Chen 10017 response arrogant 05.mp3 arrogant_05 If you wish to win, you will follow my orders.
File:01 Chen 10017 response arrogant 06.mp3 arrogant_06 You dare oppose me?
File:01 Chen 10017 response arrogant 07.mp3 arrogant_07 No one is beyond my control.
File:01 Chen 10017 response arrogant 08.mp3 arrogant_08 You are my puppet.
File:01 Chen 10017 response arrogant 09.mp3 arrogant_09 Pray you don't outlive your usefulness.
File:01 Chen 10017 response arrogant 10.mp3 arrogant_10 We all have roles to play... even someone as sad as you.
File:01 Chen 10017 response enigmatic 01.mp3 enigmatic_01 Actions have consequences.
File:01 Chen 10017 response enigmatic 02.mp3 enigmatic_02 The wonders of my god are great.
File:01 Chen 10017 response enigmatic 03.mp3 enigmatic_03 This is but a taste of the Knights of the Fold's power.
File:01 Chen 10017 response enigmatic 04.mp3 enigmatic_04 I am the speaker for the divine.
File:01 Chen 10017 response enigmatic 05.mp3 enigmatic_05 You cannot strike down the voice of god.
File:01 Chen 10017 response enigmatic 06.mp3 enigmatic_06 My will. Is god's will.
File:01 Chen 10017 response enigmatic 07.mp3 enigmatic_07 I have no equals.
File:01 Chen 10017 response enigmatic 08.mp3 enigmatic_08 You will all bend the knee.
File:01 Chen 10017 response enigmatic 09.mp3 enigmatic_09 Faith brings much power.
File:01 Chen 10017 response enigmatic 10.mp3 enigmatic_10 I don't pretend to understand the will of god, I merely act on it.
File:01 Chen 10017 response death 01.mp3 death_01 Screams