Artifact: The Dota Card Game Wiki

Improvements are a card type that apply a unique persistent effect to the lane they are attached to. Currently, all improvements are cross-lane cards, able to be played into any of the three lanes.

  • Improvements are not units, creeps, or spells.
  • Improvements do not occupy combat positions.
  • Improvements last until they are destroyed by effects that specifically destroy improvements.
  • Each lane can have a maximum of 16 improvements. Placing a 17th improvement will destroy a random existing improvement.


Each type of improvement is distinct.

  • Active
    • Must be manually activated. Is ready to be activated as soon as it is played, then goes on cooldown. Has 6 spikes surrounding its icon.
  • Passive
    • Triggers when a specific event occurs or a specific phase begins. Has 3 spikes surrounding its icon.
  • Continuous
    • Provides an ongoing, always active effect to the lane. Has no spikes surrounding its icon.

List of Improvement Cards[]

Aghanim's Sanctum card image
Altar of the Mad Moon card image
Assault Ladders card image
Assured Destruction card image
Barracks card image
Bitter Enemies card image
Burning Oil card image
Cheating Death card image
Conflagration card image
Escape Route card image
Fractured Timeline card image
Glyph of Confusion card image
Grand Melee card image
Homefield Advantage card image
Howling Mind card image
Ignite card image
Iron Fog Goldmine card image
Keenfolk Turret card image
March of the Machines card image
Messenger Rookery card image
Mist of Avernus card image
Nether Ward card image
Path of the Bold card image
Path of the Cunning card image
Path of the Dreamer card image
Path of the Wise card image
Revtel Investments card image
Selemene's Favor card image
Steam Cannon card image
Steel Reinforcement card image
Temple of War card image
The Oath card image
The Omexe Arena card image
The Tyler Estate card image
Trebuchets card image
Unearthed Secrets card image
Unsupervised Artillery card image
Verdant Refuge card image
Watchtower card image